Postado 1 year ago por
  • A category gets PC/Switch subcategories, when a Switch run is submitted.
  • Load times are not removed.
  • Crashes/Softlocks/Quitouts are treated the same as on the PC version including stopping the timer and adding time penalties.
  • Keyboard/Mouse is banned. Third party controllers are allowed as long no features or input methods are used, which are not present on original Switch controllers.
  • Runs must be done entirely with your switch in docked or undocked mode, you may not switch between the 2 mid-run.
  • Emulators are banned.
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Postado 1 year ago por

According to the discussion on the Discord channel the following rule change has been decided:

  • The FPS must be displayed in runs at all times. You can use an external program like Dxtory or use Gothic's built-in FPS counter.
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Postado 2 years ago por

newly banned tricks: A20: transforming back after death A21: manipulating AI by holding strafe while falling

C5 got a clarifying note due to A20.

Since A12 works with spells other than Telekinesis via target switching (Ctrl + Left/Right), it now refers "a spell" instead of "telekinesis".

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Postado 3 years ago por

Rule clarification for A5 (clipping through walls): "Partially clipping through small objects such as fences is ok und unavoidable. But any gap in a solid wall that is smaller than the player model is not ok to clip through even if it is easy to do so. Some gates look like they are composed of bars with gaps inbetween them that a meatbug could pass through. But they are in fact solid objects with a partially transparent texture. Going through such a gate as a meatbug violates this rule."

New ban added due to newly discovered technique: "A19: Moving inside dialogues to avoid enemies or other dialogues (It is okay if a dialogue such as Buster teaching Acrobatics cannot be skipped to reduce the time loss, but not in any other circumstance.)"

Extra hit technique listed under allowed tricks: "C13: extra melee hit without animation at the end of a combo"

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Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
Preliminary Switch rules
  • A category gets PC/Switch subcategories, when a Switch run is submitted.
  • Load times are not removed.
  • Crashes/Softlocks/Quitouts are treated the same as on the PC version including stopping the timer and adding time penalties.
  • Keyboard/Mouse is banned. Third party controllers are allowed as l
1 year ago
Últimos tópicos
Postado 7 years ago
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