Removal of Load Times for Console Submissions
1 year ago


In the news post above, it's mentioned that load times for console runs will be removed. I did a run on the Switch (which has ridiculous loading times, for who knows what reason), and I took the phrasing of the change as "moderators will adjust the time accordingly", which is why I submitted the RTA time (aka without loads removed). This also makes sense given that there's no list of times per console and category that will be subtracted, nor any mention in the game/category rules that runners should modify their times themselves.

Now that a run of mine has been verified, but the load time has not been removed, I wonder if I did anything wrong, or whether that was just an oversight in the verification process.

Thanks in advance!


Hello! I apologize for any confusion caused. I have made edits to your latest submission to reflect the rule change you mentioned, so final time is 18:06

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Riekelt curtiram isso

No worries at all! I mainly posted to make sure I wasn't supposed to do something different - thanks for the edit!

While this is (hopefully) not my final time on the leaderboard (and I therefore don't want to cause too much of a fuzz about this particular submission), maybe I can ask how the time difference was calculated... I've been given a 7 second compensation (18:13 to 18:06), but that doesn't seem to be the visible difference in load time. Let me compare the following two runs, using the visibility of the "loading" text as the measuring indicator:

The difference between those times is 13.69 seconds (assuming I didn't make any mistakes anywhere), which is about twice the loading time that my run got adjusted for... I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong, and I'm perfectly fine if the 7 seconds is what Switch runners get (which, you know, you compensating for load times in the first place is really generous and fair!) - just trying to understand where the difference comes from.

So again, sorry for reiterating on this, and thanks again in advance!

Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
Minor change to leaderboard timings

We've made a minor change to leaderboard times. To better support all players, regardless of platform, we are removing additional load times for Console players on categories that have mid-game loads (most notably: 100% and Reverse Area Order). Leaderboards have been updated to reflect this change

3 years ago
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