I have a i7-7770k and GOI uses around 50% when it's running.
I run 1920x1080 144hz.
It probably shouldn't use that much but I don't have any issues unless I'm livestreaming I guess, I can't really keep tabs of chrome open or I'll start to feel it.
are you playing on the lowest settings? we should prob make sure that theres no other way before reinstalling windows, that's pretty last resort
This thread is going the wrong way, really. It should not have gone this far without anyone even asking for specs.
@Tunnarn what is in your PC? If you don't know, you can download Speccy and just screenshot the main page for us.
If you just click on the CPU tab on the side it should show us which processor you've got specifically.
At first glance, though, I feel like you should run the game fine. Weird issue for sure. Have you tried reinstalling the game?
An 8400 should have no issues.
And you've got no issues in other games.
Uhh ... Your PC is haunted by the ghost of Jazzuo?
This is a follow up to the previous news post, see
It has now been decided by the mod team that mobile runs should not be allowed on the individual level leaderboard due to their inaccuracy in timing. All mobile runs will be removed and no more will be ac