Stopwatch Linux Alternative?
4 years ago

Yo. I discovered the 60 fps emu and input injector when I looked for n64 GE runs, only to find out it was replaced with this.

Turns out being a keyboard fps gamer works wonders with GE :P

My question is, does anyone know of any alternative stopwatch (and for that matter, input reader) for Linux, specifically Manjaro/Arch? I don't currently have any way of playing this on Windows, and with the current stopwatch being a .exe file it is completely impossible to do speedruns of this on Linux unless I can do so WITHOUT the stopwatch program.

For clarification for those who don't use Linux: Windows-only programs (anything that uses '.exe') usually work perfectly fine on our system, but only by running it through WINE, essentially a miniature windows sandbox. Not a problem...except when you need one .exe to communicate with another .exe, which won't work. Security etc. That's why things like Livesplit (at least not its global hotkeys), and therefore auto-splitters, won't work.

Bretagne, France

HI ! I up this topic, i'm SEARCHING IT FOR YEARS, tested on lutris, does not work

United States
+1 i got the stopwatch to work for the z button and times by making a bat file in lutris (Linux Mint xfce) in the 1964 directory: 


start stopwatch.exe
start 1964.exe

it didn't work the first two launches but since it seems to be ok.  i used a plugin for obs to show the keyboard and mouse in case that helps :/

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
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