when to stop and start timer for idividual levels?
4 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

when do i stop the time for individual levels

Bluely curtiram isso
Alaska, USA

I retimed https://www.speedrun.com/gdhw2020/run/m757drwz until I got an exactly 1:17 which gives me "Time starts at 95.633 and ends at 172.767 at 30 fps to get a final time of 0h 1m 17s 133ms." so... Time starts when "Draw!" appears. Time ends when GUI disappears after completing the level.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
United States

taken from the “view rules” button on each il board

“Timing starts upon entering the level and ends after the screen transitions to black (or in the case of Level 5, fades to white).”

hope that helps

Utah, USA

I've noticed many runners split their level times at the checkmark, so we made that the stop time. Don't worry about the existing runs, we'll adjust the timing sooner or later.

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