New category
7 years ago

well, today i was playing Freecell and, by mistake, pressed F3. After doing that, a small box appeared telling me to choose a number out of 1 Million and i soon figured out that it chose one of the possibilities in the game. So i'm making this thread to see if the mods could add an RNG manipulation category, that you can manipulate by pressing F3 and chosing a number. so will you add this category?


well, today i was playing Freecell and, by mistake, pressed F3. After doing that, a small box appeared telling me to choose a number out of 1 Million and i soon figured out that it chose one of the possibilities in the game. So i'm making this thread to see if the mods could add an RNG manipulation category, that you can manipulate by pressing F3 and chosing a number. so will you add this category?

copied the test here because of bugs


Ok, I know this thread is two years old but I think a selected game category would be a good idea.


I added hints allowed category, old Any% is Any% hintless.

Pennsylvania, USA

So, correct me if I'm wrong here, but it looks like the Select Game discussion here is moot because the actual operation of the game (hints vs. hintless) is what seems to make a difference in these categories. Is there measurable RNG that comes into play with these categories?


Okay, i don't want to add Select game since there are few boards that you can get runs under 1 second. Give me few days and i'll get you one. ~kiraa96

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

Hmm, sounds like I can try something here lol.

Edit: wait would this be hintless or not?

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

Hints and no hints would result in the same time. Just like i said, give me few days and i'll give you a 0.4 or faster run.

GhostLJK curtiram isso

I'll be waiting veeeeeeery patiently mate...

kiraa96 curtiram isso

There you go

12/30 = 0.40 s I tested this few times and got the same result.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

:| Welp, this died quickly. I see why it's not a thing now.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

Yeah, and so peapole don't come agian to this post saying "then maybye ban those 1 click seeds". That would be stupid since you would be banning the fastest way to beat the game. Conclusion: The Select game won't be added since all times would be the same.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
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