I come here to complain about site staff of speedrun.com
2 years ago

If you find this post nonsense or something, it is completely normal because no one knows my feeling now.

(Even after I complain about site staff in src, I have to verify the run tho)

First, I don't understand why there are just two site moderators. Only they handle the site stuff and the efficiency is obviously low. Not to mention, they are in the similar time zone and sometimes it is impossible to contact them immediately. Elo earns a lot of money from making advertisement on src but why cannot they just open the piggy bank and recruit more moderators. Apart from the efficiency, sometimes there are only 2 moderators who made the decision specifically they also mentioned that they were also busy. It may make the users wait for the respond from the site staff for endless time.

Secondly, for the mod ban thing. We did not know that thing existed before we even get banned. Mod ban itself is very subjective. And mod unban is very subjective too. It is very easy for some people to get mod whitelisted but it is very hard for some people to get mod whitelisted no matter how many things they have done. For me, I have not done anything that is against the moderation rule for a long time and I send countless mod ban appeal. But I get 0 respond from the site staff. There is no a clear requirement of getting mod whitelisted and there is no standard of getting mod banned.

Back to the question I asked in forum a long time ago. "Will I get mod unbanned before 2022?". My answer is no because of the currently situation of the poor site management of the site. I think that src should provide a comfortable environment for the speedrunner. But after seeing the complain of the site update of src in the forum, I think that the environment of src is worse than before src get acquired by an advertising company that only cares about money but not the community itself.

Ok, I finish complaining. Have a good day!

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
United States

Why do you think there are only 2 site mods?

MinecraftGaming, Wrap e 5 outros curtiu isso

Or I should say 2 "active" site moderators

Editado por o autor 2 years ago

More than two. Took me two clicks to find more.

landus e Amaz curtiu isso
Somerset, England

Basically only 2 mods communicate with us And I think they are also the only ones doing support hub requests

Gaming_64, Wrap e 5 outros curtiu isso
United States

They are community support mods, and my guess is elo doesn't want to add another paid position to the site when it's not entirely needed.

Volunteers would be a nice addition for sure, but who knows, it might be against the company's policies, or possibly laws regarding unpaid work

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Wrap, discranola, e Walgrey curtiu isso

Remind me why they were blacklisted again?

Kkntucara curtiram isso

[quote=Garsh]There are more Elo staff like Camcorder or lewisandspark, but the two original staff are the only ones that verify game requests and moderate the forums as far as we are aware.[/quote]

@Garsh I think it's important to note that @lewisandspark is no longer affiliated with Elo: https://www.speedrun.com/news/874-2021-8-13-community-update-data-migration-and-community-manager

[quote=Site News]Next, we have some news to share.

LewisAndSpark has decided to move on from Elo. We are grateful for all of their insights and passion in advocating for the speedrunning community. Their hard work and dedication have helped lay a solid foundation for the future of Speedrun.com.

We know LewisAndSpark will continue to do great things in future opportunities and wish them all the best![/quote]

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Pear curtiram isso
United States

@Garsh Similar to my message above, starsmiley and meta were hired on to ELO, so they are no longer volunteers. The most likely reason for removing volunteers, like I said before, is probably based on the reason that ELO is a company and has to pay wages. I honestly can't think of another reason for removing volunteers, as its a plus-plus situation for all parties involved.

It is very interesting that Meta replied me that I wouldn't get respond about getting mod unbanned within half a year and Starsmiley replied me that not only Meta and she handled the mod ban appeal. More interesting thing is that Jackzfiml can get mod unbanned so easily only after he DMed Starsmiley about mod ban appeal. But Starsmiley sometimes told me to send the appeal to support hub, sometimes told me to send the appeal to email or DM. I don't know why they always change the options. It is very confusing too.

@jackzfiml what is "Mod farming."?

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Amaz curtiram isso

@Reverse mod farming means moderating a lot of leaderboards but do not care about the leaderboards. I used to be a mod farmer before but I changed.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
landus curtiram isso
Somerset, England

[quote=Viper] I honestly can't think of another reason for removing volunteers[/quote] Another reason is doing work for them is kinda optional Like they could do 5 requests 1 day and then 50 another But with paid staff they probably have to do a certain amount to get paid

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Gaming_64 curtiram isso

I don't understand what the person would gain from fakemoderating games. There are better ways of 'collecting badges'.

Amaz curtiram isso

Actually, people have the timezone similar or same as timezone of the site staff so they can always have many time ro contact the staff. But hey, have you ever thought of the feeling of the people having different timezone?

Also you mentioned that mod farmer shouldn't moderate the games. Hey, you forget one thing: if you check, I haven't mod farm for a long time. Why can other people who get mod banned so easily to get unbanned but I have to wait like this.

Also, the site management before src gets acquired is obviously better than after src gets acquired. Because there used to be more moderator to handle the staff. This is the fact that can be observed.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago