Am I in the wrong here?
3 years ago
Oregon, USA

I'll preface this by saying that the person calling for your ban is bein ridiculous, and a ban would be an absurd response.

That said, whenever I mod a game that has more than a couple of runners, I always try to get a second mod, and I never validate my own runs once I have a second mod. I don't think it matters a lot if someone is verifying their own runs, I just like to avoid it to prevent exactly this kind of situation from happening.

I also want to say that I think the fact that you were the one who requested the game is kind of irrelevant here. Anyone who is a mod (and especially a super mod) should be someone who cares about the game and the leaderboard, and the fact that you happen to be the first one who cared enough to get it started doesn't really make you different from other super mods, at least in my opinion.

Anyway, I just wanted to offer my perspective on being a mod. I totally agree you're in the right here and that person was overreacting. Even if you did make a mistake in a run and verify something that shouldn't have been, seems like it has little to do with the fact that it was your own run, and that it could have happened to any run.

Osmosis_Jones, XeroGoFast e 2 outros curtiu isso

Don't feed the trolls.

I do agree with the notion of "don't verify your own runs" if you can. Obviously if you are the only runner, this is somewhat difficult. However, seeing that thread, I don't think there is a shortage of mods here. This is pretty much speedrun culture.

In your case, you might have made a mistake. If someone calls you out on something, get another mod of your game to re-verify your run. If they don't see anything wrong with it, the thread-starter is in the wrong. If it seems you made a mistake. Laugh, love, live. Or something among those lines.

Again, don't feed the trolls. Them calling for a ban is up to the leaderboard moderators (or community moderators instead) and SRC mods. Not for someone who's not even a part of the community.

Quivico, Symystery e 2 outros curtiu isso