How long will it take for MinecraftGaming to like this?
3 years ago

I will let you all know

Edit: 5 minutes in and were still going

Edit 2: 10 minutes still nothing

Edit 3: 20 minutes bruh

Edit 4: 30 minutes dhewhuijvfwjhwasedxcfgvbhnjsedrftgyhujnbhvcfxdszedrftgyhj

Edit 5: They've done it! It took 35:31

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness, StarSpeed e 5 outros curtiu isso
Somerset, England

First like😎

Oh_my_gourdness, StarSpeed e 4 outros curtiu isso
United States

16 mins 47 seconds is my guess

Oh_my_gourdness, astrolite e 6 outros curtiu isso