Link your first ever run here!
3 years ago
United Kingdom
Excluído por o autor
United States

This is my first speedrun that I've submitted. It hasn't been verified by the moderator yet.

Any/All, He/Him
6 months ago

My first speedrun was last week (I think). Here's the link:


Wow I just found out that my first run was two months ago and it suck haha


"If you're already recording with a phone, showing the TV cables is easy and only takes an extra 5 seconds."

U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

very informative post

Texas, USA

I guess this is my first recorded run, and the first on this game overall

United States

Yo, this is not my first run, but I guess first time and proper recorded run on here. But here is a recording of my fastest time on a fun track for Victory Heat Rally. Try'n to get more racers which would be nice. The game releasing in Winter 2024, but this is the latest demo, I've invested quite of bit of time getting more optimized and faster.

Editado por o autor 4 months ago
Ohio, USA

For my first run, it was an IL in Freedom Planet. I had purchased this cheap USB capture card from eBay just to record footage from a Wii U. Video was "okay"; but, the audio was something else. Best to listen in and compare it to other runs today, made the game sound more :retro" than it already looks/acts.

happycamper_ curtiram isso
United States

This was my first speedrun. uhh yeah.

Somerset, England

first run was this

it is really bad and breaks one of the rules lol

Crazy Path in 12:34.633 by pengu101 - SUPER CHECK POINT! -

probleme de renseignement sur seterra amerique du sud !

salut j ai besoin d un renseignement (desolé je ne parle pas anglais donc j utilise un traducteur)

ça fait un peu de temps que je m entraine sur seterra et je me suis rendu compte il n'y a pas longtemps que des categories de speddruns seterra existait je me suis donc entrainé et j ai fait mon record moins de 10secondes mais je n avais pas enregistré mon ecran j ai donc refait une run de 10.708secondes en moins de 5minutes de pratique et cette fois j ai enregistré mon écran donc je creer un compte me connecte et je commence a publier ma run masi le rpobléme est que quand je choisis ma categorie (les pays d amerique du sud) je ne trouve pas la categorie en question ( south america: countries) mais elle existe bel et bien car sur seterra la categorie est jouable et des records dessus sont posté recemment.

si vous evez deja eu ce probleme et vous avez reussis a trouver une solution je suis preneur.

hi I need some information (sorry I don't speak English so I use a translator)
I've been training on seterra for a while now and I realized not long ago that seterra speddrun categories existed, so I trained and I set my record in less than 10 seconds but I didn't have not recorded my screen so I did another run of 10.708 seconds in less than 5 minutes of practice and this time I recorded my screen so I create an account, log in and start publishing my run but the problem is that when I choose my category (South American countries) I can't find the category in question (south america: countries) but it does exist because on seterra the category is playable and records on it have been posted recently.
If you have already had this problem and you managed to find a solution I am interested.

oh thanks you im just so stupid

Zanum e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
Somerset, England

Nah it's ok as I had to join their Discord server and ask lol. @Nathoux

Non, ce n'est pas grave, j'ai dû rejoindre leur serveur Discord et demander mdr. @Nathoux

Zanum curtiram isso
Georgia, USA

My run is still pending but in mkds I beat 22nd spot on gcn baby park time was 0:10:682

Somerset, England

@happysocks22706, your runs are probably going to be rejected lmao

Because that game's rules say that "Video or Picture proof is required". And you kinda haven't provided any😅

Editado por o autor 1 month ago