I created WRBot, a bot that sends tweets everytime a WR is improved
7 years ago


Probably some tweaking to do in the future, but that was an afternoon well spent

CyanWes, grnts e 12 outros curtiu isso
Ontario, Canada

Well this is pretty neat and for just a afternoon, I'd say pat yourself on the back for me. =) Interested to see what else you may do with these kinds of ideas.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

Well I also did a Discord bot that announces Twitch streams in a server, with lots of configurations. But I worked on this one for the last 6 months :^)

Also, last year I did SplitsBet, it's a bot-ish that you link to Livesplit, and people in your chat can bet on what your next split is gonna be. They earn points, and at the end of the run there are rankings. It's there : https://github.com/Gyoo/LiveSplit.SplitsBet/releases I worked on it for like 2 months

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
CyanWes, grnts e 3 outros curtiu isso
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

SplitsBet sounds quite cool to make watching more fun. If I reset midway into the run, will the rankings show up or will the round just disappear? Also, do the chatters keep their stats permanently? This would reward frequent viewers.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

[quote]If I reset midway into the run, will the rankings show up or will the round just disappear? [/quote] iirc, no, but the rankings show up after every split.

[quote]do the chatters keep their stats permanently?[/quote] Nope. I had the idea to do something like that, but never got to do it.

Maybe one day I'll rewrite SplitsBet from scratch, if I ever can find the time to.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Too bad, the last one would be a feature I'd like. I might still use it, tho. Celebrating a finished run would be even more fun for a viewer if he got 1st place on betting.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

Pretty neat bot. Literally just had a run verified and then this tweeted me out. Though I would like to point out that my run was tweeted twice for whatever reason? You might want to checkout what happened because it might annoy people.

Anyway, great job and it seems to be pretty functional! :D

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

It happens sometimes but I can't really figure out why unfortunately. I may have an idea to fix that but it's probably overkill so idk if I'll do it.

As long as it keeps happening rarely I think I'll keep things as they are right now.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Will it link my twitter account correctly? I had to put an underscore in my usual name for twitter, since the name without it was taken.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

It takes the Twitter account that is linked to your SRCom account, so as long as you linked this correctly you're fine.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

My only issue with the bot is that it tweets a LOT, but this is a cool idea.

CyanWes e grnts curtiu isso

Blame people for breaking records Kappa

CyanWes, MASH, e MIDIbusker curtiu isso
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

It really isn't a big deal, but the bot did not link me correctly - https://twitter.com/SpeedrunWRs/status/747552618336108545

CyanWes curtiram isso

I had to disable Twitter mentions because Twitter suspended my bot for a few days.

There will be no mentions anymore.

CyanWes curtiram isso
Gelderland, Netherlands

To much spam? :p

CyanWes curtiram isso

Too much World Record breaking for Twitter to allow mentioning :>

CyanWes curtiram isso
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Ah, understood.

CyanWes curtiram isso
North Holland, Netherlands

Nice bot :) Any bot that does that to specific games or posts directly to discord?

grnts e CyanWes curtiu isso
Kentucky, USA

@Wami Please don't necro threads

CyanWes curtiram isso
United States


grnts, CyanWes, e qoznyyy curtiu isso