We Gonna Have a Discord?
5 years ago

It'd be nicer than using these forums.

Glamorganshire, Wales

A fair request, I'd be really happy to add a Discord in once we have (I would say) just 1 or 2 more runners, on the game - it's a fairly new game for the site so we may have some more people quite soon.


I'm trying to be one of those new runners but despite running the game perfectly when i play it normally, trying to record my screen causes extreme fps lag, to the point where i don't think the runs i recorded will be accepted. Only happens in this game, too.

Bristol, England

@YuriNikolai I have a similar problem, with a horrific fps when I try to play and record, but normally this is sorted by recording once, ending the recording, and then re-entering the level while recording. Please let me know if this helps you!

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Glamorganshire, Wales

@YuriNikolai @Dragon_Hunter_70 @Samaran We've got a Discord server now, newly made but do please join it!

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
United Kingdom

The Discord invite is invalid. By the way, how come additional bots are allowed?


https://discord.gg/4W7Mbnd @Chitch This should work? Additional bots are allowed due to some of the levels being very hard to complete without additional assistance. It is split from no additional bots so don't worry about that tho.

Glamorganshire, Wales

Obviously not really the place to reply to this, but... Right now the IL categories suggest singleplayer because they are not especially difficult one at a time for one player to do. The full game runs of missions now allow up to 6 players and have separate classifications for Editor used and editor not used.

Glamorganshire, Wales

People finding this thread through Google or something: Link to the current server - https://discord.gg/v8bHEwqhjy

The one posted by @Samaran is no longer used for the page

Estatísticas do jogo
Runs recentes
Nível: Jump Challenge Advanced - Challenge
Nível: Movement Tutorial - Tutorial
Nível: Movement Tutorial - Tutorial
Nível: Movement Tutorial - Tutorial
Últimos tópicos
Postado 2 years ago
8 respostas
Postado 5 years ago