7 months ago
Florida, USA

Can we break up the runs by language? We all know there is a huge disparity between the different language runs. Why can't the categories be separated by language?

Editado por o autor 7 months ago
Florida, USA

the edit was a typo, I said "categories" instead of "language" as the last word.

United Kingdom

Since there's the language tag, the idea is that if you want to compare just english language runs you can achieve that using the filter.

  1. Click Filters on the left of the board under the Sub-category dropdown
  2. Click your preffered language under "Languages" (I chose english)

3. Enjoy your preffered language board

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Últimas notícias
Cutscene Remover Break added

Hey everyone!

We're very happy to announce the addition of a 5 minute break to the FF8 2013 CSR. There is also a new version of the Autosplitter for the 2013 PC version.

You can find the new versions of the CSR (1.31 for French and 1.2 for English) with the same links as before.

The Autosplitter

5 months ago
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