How to accurately retime SMK runs
3 years ago
United States

select your 8-4 framerule (~515 or so, just click 'faster' or 'slower' depending on the time)

next, you want to find a matching bowser fire, this is more important than in standard SMB1. the hammer patterns will more often than not, vary slightly from the "actual" screenshot of the pattern so it is very much recommended you take note of the bowser fire.

lastly, you want to find the hammer pattern. fortunately, the bowser fire aids in narrowing the patterns down a lot easier, so the only thing you will need to do is get a framecount of your run as a rough estimate. typically the majority of hammers are in place as normal, but 1 or 2 are positioned differently due to no hammer bro being stomped in last room. something to note is that the final time ends up being 6 frames faster due to lag frames, so for example instead of 3:40.986 the site will say 3:41.086 on the pattern of the run.

CrabbyCrab101, Niftski e 3 outros curtiu isso
Texas, USA

Good stuff, thank you eddie

Echon curtiram isso
North Carolina, USA

what would somewes think of this 😤

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