Time Trials Categories
5 years ago
Texas, USA

I have been running the Time Trials categories for a while now and was disappointed to learn that these categories aren't available for this game. I have a few recorded runs that I believe are WRs but there's nowhere to post them. Any chance of this happening soon?

New Mexico, USA

Refer to my forums post, Van. PMYA said he would add them but he is missing.

Texas, USA

I'm also looking to run the "All Time Trails - Beginner", "...Intermediate", "...Advanced" categories, if those could be added.

New Mexico, USA

Yes, He said he would make all categories in-game time, add all time trials, beginner through advanced, and have trick and trickless categorires for each of those.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

The moderators have a responsibility to this game and it simply isn't being met. The community has more enthusiasm for this game than the people charged with leading it. More mods need to be added for this game to be taken seriously and get the respect it deserves. This is just not good enough.

Cheez curtiram isso
New Mexico, USA

I completely agree, Moodeuce. I don't want to tell them how to do their jobs, but this isn't okay. FlashTheorie just modded PMYA I think so he wouldn't have to work on Speedrun.com, but then PMYA disappeared, so now this is a modless game. This community thrives on the world records and being encouraged to break them, and optimize them to their fullest extent. How can we do that when the people who are supposed to be moderating this game won't do what they chose to do themselves? Especially FlashTheorie. He must have been the one to suggest this game to be on SRC, so it's disheartening that he would give up on the game so easily, pushing his responsibility that he chose to have by requesting this game, onto another person. Absolutely disgusting. If you won't fulfill your responsibilities, give them to somebody who actually cares about what happens to this game and its community.

moodeuce curtiram isso

lmao this fake outrage

New categories added, will add time trials in a bit.

moodeuce curtiram isso

Jesus Christ, CheeZ_Fish, we're not all full time speedrunner, i'm working 60h a week, that's why i added PMYA to second me, i can add you too if that makes you stop crying.

New Mexico, USA

It's not my problem that you commited to being a moderator of 25 games while working 60 hours a week. Also, PMYA "seconding" you is more of him doing the job and you being angry in the forums.

moodeuce curtiram isso
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