Timing rules
4 years ago
Connecticut, USA

You need to make a rule where if the In-game time is X% less than the real time (say 10%), then the run is invalid. There are multiple platforms that run this game way too slowly, but since you use In game time, you can play through the game extremely slowly and still get the WR.

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
Connecticut, USA

This rule is common for popular games that run on IGT, take a look at the ruleset for the game Choppy Orc

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
Alabama, USA

I am sorry do not really understand can you explain better pls, i want to make it as best as i can.

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
Connecticut, USA

This game is timed via IGT (in-game-timer). If your game lags to 50% speed, the IGT is not affected in the slightest. Therefore, if you choose to play the game on a slow website, you will be able to play a lot more precise than normal, which is usually considered cheating.

Therefore, a rule like I stated above needs to be implemented. If you are still confused, you can make me a mod for this game and I can make the nessicary fixes to make this game playable.

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
Chicago, IL, USA

Implement level leaderboards

grntsz e Oh_my_gourdness curtiu isso
North Carolina, USA

All Noadev games go under the rules with the IGT for speedrun mode being used for the run timer.

CyanWes, YUMmy_Bacon5, e grntsz curtiu isso
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Postado 1 year ago
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Postado 1 year ago
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Postado 4 years ago
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