Chelona's rise with two turtles
3 months ago

So, im trying to best describe what I did. Maybe it becomes a nice speedrun trick dunno?

playing on ps4

I unlocked Chelona's grace

I touched the statue that starts the puzzle

I killed the first turtle

I went east and died to a Wolf

I respawend at Chelona's grace and DID NOT touch the status

I went east and killer the wolfs with a dragons breath out of spite

I took my lost runes

I went to the second tuetle cliff and it was not there (I did not touch the statue)

I got confused and wandered about a little

I Teleporter back to Chelona's Grace

I touched the statue and spawned the turtles

I went to the second turtle spot and killer it

I got the message "The seal was broken"

I never even got near the third turtle never

hope I make to one of those 3 hour long speedrun videos

be awesome, im out

Editado por o autor 3 months ago
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