Leaderboard idea
5 years ago

The full game leaderboards has way too many categories. Could we make NG / NG+ and "all objectives" as sub-categories to make it a bit cleaner?

Also, no one ever asked if I wanted to be a DW6 moderator, but I guess I'll resign to this fate... >_>

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Manly_McBeefington curtiram isso
Texas, USA

I definitely will change them. It is certainly too many. But it was my first time, so mistakes were going to be made :/

Edit: Fixed.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
AKheon curtiram isso

Just a random runner comment passing through but, wouldn't be better if the main categories were divided by Dynasties like they are in other DW games instead of individual characters? just pick the best from each Dynasty and play with them, along with that, NG/NG+ and Any%/All Objectives could be added as subcategories. By the way, this game also has a PS2 and PSP version and i already have a run of it, but i did it NG with Cao Pi.

Texas, USA


Different characters have different sets of battles, so the campaigns are different for each character. DW4, 7, and 8 could do faction musou modes, since its the same set of battles regardless of characters, but DW3, 5, and 6 need character specific runs.

God help whoever has to do full Objective% Chang Ban Wei faction.

Also: DW6 for PS2 is a completely different game and deserves it's own different game category.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Texas, USA

@Kromer You cannot be messaged on any of your social media, so let's hope you see this.

I want to add the individual levels to the newly added DW6 Special, but I'll need you or someone to let me know what levels and factions for those new levels are. I know it's not more than like 5 more battles than DW6 vanilla, but I don't know for sure since I don't own the ps2 version.

Texas, USA

A newcomer posted an All-Objective run and is not considered the first place, because the 'variables' apparently do not keep separate rankings.

Is there a faster way for me to fix this besides making two of every character category?


Might be the best to add it as a sub-category?

Editado por o autor 5 years ago