Planning to speedrun. Help with the first level on Lu Bu's sotry
7 years ago

Could anybody guide me thorugh this level? I can't seem to get the wagon to spawn early.


Never really expected anyone to run this.

From the start: kill Cao Jia, Zhao Zhong, Jian Shuo, Xia Yun. Now you have to wait for the dialogue from the messenger (My lord! Zhang Rang and some others...). During this you have to kill Hou Lan and the (3?) unit commanders around him. Following this, you should get dialogue from Hou Lan and Cheng Kuang, and then Lu Bu, which triggers the spawn. Kill Duan Gui and Zhang Rang. Dialogue from He Jin, Yuan Shao x3, Zhang Rang. Then kill them again.

It's been two years since I've ran this, but I checked and this should be right. If you need an example, you can use ShadeOfTyranny's WR run. It's not 100% consistent.

Be careful of hitting 300 kills as it gives extra dialogue.

Good luck.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago

Thank you so much friend!

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All DLC Stages Added to ILs

The missing 54 stages from the two 'NEW STAGE' DLC have been added for a grand total of 305 stages, of which 84 are DLC.

Bonus fact: The Battle of Liang Province has both an original and DLC version. Amazing!

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