Hey, I've just got back into Driver 3 and I really enjoy the Driving Games. As there are no ILs for these here yet I'm suggesting the addition of them.
As a game moderator myself I know of all the settings and annoying stuff to do on here, so here's my concept:
The ingame-timer is gonna be the best way to time the ILs, but as there are some counting up and some counting down, we're gonna need 2 categories for that.
I've got some runs ready to submit already.
Also here's my take on a Driver-themed site-logo:
If you like it, feel free to add those to all the games. :D
EDIT: Done!
if winning the survival mode can be cheated, why not reversing the purpose of it and ruining the car the fastest way possible ? It's in the spirit of speedrunning, still beating the clock, and it's not excluding this mode from the list.
If approved, it belongs now to the B section.
Here's an attempt of how it'll look :
Actually a good idea! I'll get right onto adding the categories.
Nice runs so far btw!