Updates to the leaderboard.
7 years ago
Päijät-Häme, Finland

I would like to update the looks of this leaderboard, basically just make it more appealing. I'm also interested in moderating the game so let me know if you wan't to cooperate.

United States

That sounds good to me! The leaderboard could definitely use a new design :)

Lincolnshire, England

I'd like to volunteer with verifying\modding, if you need further mods.

(I'd really like to add the rta times that are missing, if possible. I'll do the timing regardless tonight, and send you them if you don't need me as mod)

Garita curtiram isso
United States

Adding in the missing RTA times would definitely be useful! I'll bring you onto the team to handle that.

(Plus, holding the Any% WR is a pretty solid indication that you know your DoZ :b )

Costa Rica

When does the RTA timing really starts? As you make the first input or when you press new game? Edit: Ignore that. I saw that in 100% is with new game. I checked my run and the RTA for mine in any% is 8:41

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
Lincolnshire, England

Neat thanks. I did the rta times last night.

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