Tricks and restrictions
5 years ago

Hello everyone. I currently learning and routing Devastation run. While routing i found some tricks, which can be against the rules or fairness. So questions to mods is:

  1. Quicksave/quickload can skip dialogues, except two places: South Urbia and First level. Skipping dialogue in first level causes a bug, which makes game unbeatable "-1 glitch" (). But you can avoid this glitch by restarting a mission. Do you will allow to start a timer from mission restart or i'll need to restart whole game to restart a run?

  2. Barrel flying depends on frames per second. Game don't have native vertical synchronization, but when you have unlimited frames per second you are flying too fast. Do this trick will have any restriction in rules?

Thank you for answer.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Czech Republic

Hi Kelnin,

first point, I'm not sure I quite understand the scenario. If you skip the dialogue in the first mission and the game gets glitched, how is restarting the mission going to help? Will you not need to skip the dialogue again?

second point, prop flying is allowed and you are welcome to use any frame limitation software you prefer. IIRC I simply modified an nVidia game profile the game uses.

P.S. My PB seems to be copyright blocked from YouTube. I'm not sure if it has any strats that you might find useful but I'm going to reupload it today.


Game gets glitched, because, casually, game starts with pack of weapon (knife and pistol), which gives to you after dialouge and game seems have some check about it. If you skipping that before getting weapons, you starting unarmed, even without bare hands. Restarting mission after dialogue allows you to skip that dialogue.

That question about where i allowed to restart a timer, from "New game" button only, or also can through "Restart mission". Because "Restrat mission" allows you skip a dialouge without "-1 glitch".

And the most importaint thing, i found that after post, so i writing about this now. Running speed is also depends on fps. FPS limitation makes your character slower, but makes barrel flying easier (because slower too). And, on my opinion, prevents glitch on "Rock" level, where you can be killed by screen shaking. So it's kinda tricky. Fastest way is change fps lock on a fly, but that's looks like cheating.

PS: I found your 55:50 PB on twitch. I have improves to your strats already, but this work still on progress, because i figured how to do barrel fly just a week ago and i gonna learn to do it properly.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Czech Republic

In that case, I'm leaning towards the NOT allowed because it sounds an awful lot like something that's supposed to be a part of the run, thefore you should start your runs from "New Game" for any%. If it requires some sort of in-game "setup" beforehand, it would almost be considered NewGame+.

Regarding the FPS I'm inclined to agree, as the game does not hinder you from progressing at whatever FPS you are playing on in any capacity and merely affects the physics engine, you should set it only once before your run and refrain from switching it on the fly. Years ago, during my attempts, I was also contemplating having a mandatory rule for this exact situation in some form of an FPS counter, be it in-game using a console command "stat fps" (IIRC) or using an external program to both limit and show the FPS on the video but this is a very, very niche community and I long stopped running the game before I managed to get to it.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
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