The Power 20 Overworld Gauntlet
7 months ago

I just randomly thought of this, and the way it works is you go from Power 1-20 as fast as you can and kill all Overworld bosses by any means, except insta-killing, however the only way you are allowed to gain EXP is through killing Bosses, and Quests that don't require you to kill any NPCs, like the Vigils Librarian that gives you a Mantra Roll or that trainee that wants a Weapon Manual, and no you are not allowed to farm exp through Players or NPCs, hitting and/or gripping any NPC (Non-Boss) or Player makes the run Invalid, however all Mini-Bosses aswell will have their own category but will be included in the run, the run ends after all objectives are completed [Kill All Bosses, Kill All Overworld Mini-Bosses (Deep Widow, Broodlord, and Blizzard Knight), Never M1 Anything that is not a Boss or Mini-Boss, Never Grip and Kill anything that is not a Boss or Mini-Boss and Reach Power 20], so what are your thoughts?


and yes this is only possible in winter



tornikson curtiram isso