Help with understanding some glitches. (Any% no Wrong Warp)
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hi, I'm semi-new to running DSR and have learned a lot of glitches, but need help with these. I run any% no Wrong Warp.

  1. Why do runners hold a weapon in their left hand and block while sprinting?

  2. What's up with the brightness dupe glitch? I only know how to do the x999 wooden arrow dupe and negative dropping by buying x999 longswords from Andre.

  3. Any tips on performing the seal skip regularly? I seem to attempt the fall/quit out like 5-6 times in a run : /


  1. blocking while sprinting is generally used to get rolls out of sprinting and not jumps, maybe has some other uses too
  2. actually i don't know lol, I don't run NWW if you need more help you can ask in the speedsouls discord , #ds1-help
Huey007 curtiram isso
Texas, USA

That video cleared a lot of things up! Thanks!

I'll have to figure out a consistent seal skip.


For seal skip what I normally do is get near the ledge then i open the menu so I can quit out just by pressing x and i tap forward with the analog stick (don't hold it just push it to it's maximum value once and let it go back to it's resting position) and then just quitout when your character is low enough in the slope, the timing should be consistent so just keep practicing and you should be good

Huey007 curtiram isso
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