The 99 humanity are bad ?
4 years ago
Picardie, France

Hello i have a problem i can do retry a lot of Time with 99 humanity i never drop the black hallebard. The humanity increase the drop rate normally , no ?


It only increases the item find rate up to 10 humanities. So everything higher than 10 is pointless. Other items to increase drop rate are the Symbol of Avarice (Mimic Head) and the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring that stacks with the 10 humanities. (Symbol+Ring doesn't stack tho)

Pear e Scyte__ curtiu isso
Picardie, France

Ok thanks for taking Time to respond to me

Saxony, Germany

Sometimes i get Black Halberd 6 time in a row and sometimes 6 times nothing. :D it’s random but Humanity is nice to have.

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