Hello everyone,
I have a question about the Homeward Wrong Warp at André's bonfire in the Any% run.
I've managed to do the setup and sit at the bonfire but it doesn't warp me to New Londo, it just leaves me there at the bonfire of André.
The setup I used is similar to the ones of Shugroki & AltF4jp4:
- lighting the bonfire of André
- jumping on the small fence
- casting force and swapping spell (L1 + up)
- next frame R1
- cast becomes homeward and makes me fall off the fence, I sit at the bonfire during the animation
but then, I'm not warping. The games just leave me at the bonfire just as if I rested. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've segmented my run with saves organizer and I'm using Gadgetlemage to auto-proc the halberd, I don't know if that can have an impact.
Would you know what is happening?
Thanks all! :)
We have decided to add SL1 Any% Glitchless and SL1 AB Glitchless as subcategories for the SL1 leaderboard.
This means that you can submit Soul Level 1 glitchless speedruns to the leaderboard under the Soul Level 1 category