Request for any%
6 months ago

I am requesting any% and/or high% to be added.

Crypt of The Necrodancer seems like a perfect game for grinding RNG combined with high skill ceiling, there's even an instant restart button (backspace @ pc) (I really want to see what people can come up with to reach the finish ASAP)

If this set of moderators can't fulfill basic community tasks then i suggest replacing moderators.

I can't volunteer as moderator but there have got to be people willing to at least make some extra categories on here.

Editado por o autor 6 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

the game has an unbelievable amount of in game leaderboards for both speedrunning and score running, people in the necrodancer community are content with those and tend to stick with them. the only reason the src page had any categories at all was because there were no low% leaderboards in game, but now that there are this page is kind of dead

United States

Popping in as one of said moderators to say that these functions are already built into the game. The only reason this game is present on at all is because prior to v3, there was no in-game tracking for low% - hence, why the only categories here are low%. As of v3, not only is this no longer the case, but the in-game leaderboard systems are now cross-platform and have a much more robust replay system that has eliminated desync and version compatibility issues. As such, there's really no reason for us to use the boards here at all anymore. They pretty much just exist as a legacy pre-v3 low% leaderboard.

If there's a leaderboard you'd like added that isn't already covered in-game, such as a multi-modifier run (think something like Double Time Phasing Story Mode - layered optional effects like that are one of the only things not tracked on in-game boards), I'd be happy to add it, but thus far the only recent requests have been for any% (already tracked in-game) and high% (which, through every explanation I've seen of what it entails, is either literally just any% again, or is a score run - which is also tracked in-game). There's zero sense in putting in extra work for myself or any other moderator to do what's already handled by the game automatically.

Editado por o autor 3 months ago


After reading the replies from you guys i think you are right.

My only concern would be that cheating is maybe harder to detect in the in-game replays, but aside from that the situation is actually ok.

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These leaderboards are defunct

Just throwing this out there since I happened to be in the neighborhood and saw some activity asking for new boards: These boards were created purely out of necessity due to a lack of in-game support for Low% runs in v2 and earlier. With the v3.0 and onward versions of the game, the in-game leaderbo

3 months ago
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