CPO's merge
6 years ago
United Kingdom

The site staff have said that CPO will be merged into this board. CPO uses a newer version of Club Penguin so most of the categories there cannot be run on CPR.

  1. I don't want CPO to be added as an accepted CPPS because of its issues with other CPPSs (if you were around for CPR's shutdown earlier this year, you might know a bit about this). I think all of the mods agree with me on this.

  2. I don't want to "destroy" the CPO leaderboard and all of its categories. While "Death%" hopefully does not survive, I can see what appears to be some valid categories on the leaderboard. I think some of the mods find all the categories silly though.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Pufflescape Any% seems interesting, just gotta find an alternative for modern games


def agree with 1 and with 2 i dont really care about the categories there tbh but i guess they could fit in category extensions

Frederiksborg, Denmark

Here are my opinions on what should happen to the different categories. I will only be talking about the categories that are actually ran on the CPO leaderboards.

Pufflescape any%: This seems to be a good category, if we can find a way to actually run it that is not CPO.

Golden Puffle: I believe this is too arbitrary, and should at most only be on the Category Extensions board.

Smoothie Smash Death%: This category is very arbitrary, and not fun for a speedrun. Should not be carried over.

Puffle Roundup 100% low% fail%: These categories are just variations on the 500 Coins No Bonuses category, so I suggest we delete them as well.

Bits & Bolts Death%: Too arbitrary, and bad for a speedrun. Should not be carried over.

Bits & Bolts Level 5: A bit boring to speedrun, as it is just counting and luck. Maybe put on Category Extensions.

Hit the Target - 10 Points: Very arbitrary and it would just consist of spamming snowballs. Should not be carried over.

TL;DR: Delete Everything EXCEPT MAYBE Pufflescape any%

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Faulheit e nhaar curtiu isso

Big man Loth with the 200iq plays though pufflescape has too many subcategories

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Estatísticas do jogo
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All Missions standalone and 24 FPS all missions

Two big changes:

  1. You can now download Waddle Forever and play missions optimally easily.

  2. All Missions has transitioned to 24 FPS and we have added a no mapless category. We recommend all runners who had 30 FPS runs to run it again

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