100% Co Op name needs to be changed
When I looked at the 100% Co Op category I was really confused, because in the Co Op menu there's still all 55 recipes that you can choose, and you only do the first 10. Why would a category be called "100% Co Op" when its not even close to 100%?
Willster curtiram isso
It’s because when you load up a new file you only get the 10 recipes and can’t unlock any unless you play 1P mode. I was following the rules at the time when I first played it and that’s how I thought it worked. Wouldn’t make sense to play both 1P and 2P in the same run. (It said timing starts on new file select)
All gold medals and individual level leaderboards
Added all gold medals medals learderboard for those crazy enough. Also added a leaderboard for every recipe in the game for people to compete in. Hope it can attract new runenrs! :)
Runs recentes
Nível: Minestrone
Nível: Minestrone
Nível: Paella