Stamford Bridge: Normandy Strategy
6 years ago
United States

Alright, so obviously the best strategy is to outright capture Godwinson but that is heavily RNG dependant and so I am going to present to you the strategy that I used to get a 3 month 11 day WR.

I began by whoring out my children as such:

My two-year-old daughter Agathe to the six-year-old heir of Scotland, Prince Duncan

My nine-year-old daughter Cecilia to the sixteen-year-old heir of Sweden, Prince Inge

My five-year-old daughter Constance to one of the younger bastards of King Svend of Denmark

My eleven-year-old son Richard to the seventeen-year-old daughter of Petty King Bleddyn of Powys

My ten-year-old son William to the daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine matrilineally

Some of these matches will also require bribes to make into alliances but William has more than enough gold to afford it.

With each of these I managed to achieve an alliance that I used to pull them into the war. These alliances are useful because they individually attack armies and siege down holdings so there in a slight increase chance of capturing Godwinson and faster warscore accumulation. These proved to be effective because my warscore suddenly shot up by a lot at the end of the campaign which allowed me to end the war so quickly. I also made an alliance with my father-in-law but it was useless because he had a non-aggression pact with Godwinson.

For my character focus I chose War for the extra marital. William’s commanders are generally fine but if you want better ones you can go to the character search and search for men of your religion group and short by martial. If you’ve played the game you know what I am talking about.

Here is where the first question arises. When I begin my invasion, should I make a beeline for Godwinson, land in Kent and claim the ~3% warscore you’d obtain my killing the tiny army there, land in Kent, take the warscore, and siege it down for more warscore; or land and siege down just the Barony of Westminster Abbey in the County of Middlesex to try to get his heir for the +50% warscore? I managed to get my first WR using the last method. In my WR for 3 M, 11 D, I landed in Kent and continued on to Westminster. That way there was a few thousand man strong army guarding Westminster that I destroyed for ~20% warscore. I then sieged down the first three holdings, failed to capture the heir to England, and then moved on to start killing Godwinson’s armies. I just did this for a while and found myself at 100% warscore.

So that’s what happened. If anyone has any tips on how to capture Godwinson, besides continually chasing him down, or any other ways to quickly accumulate massive amounts of warscore, that’d be appreciated.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
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