Chromebook recording recommendations???
4 years ago
California, USA

I just got a 2:03.446 which would put me in top 10. I'm stuck to playing on chromebook and I need to record bad since I have pretty good times. If i could get recommendations for long-term recording programs for a chromebook that would be great. Thanks.

New Zealand

The only real option you have is a chrome extension.

I swear by using this one:

California, USA

Thanks! All my old runs were on a desktop and I deleted them since desktop would be kinda useless to me now lol. Thanks, hopefully I can get back to the leaderboards with this!


I use nimbus screen recorder look it up in chrome web store

Niro69420 curtiram isso
Georgia, USA

you can also use control shift and the windows button and select the video button

United States

i use a chrome extension called screencastify

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