Leaderboard Changes
5 years ago
Indiana, USA

Hey all. Now that FB is out in the US (and I've actually had a chance to play it) there's a few changes with the leaderboard.

  1. I'm not sure why I didn't include this earlier. To mimic the original leaderboard, the category "Story Hard; All Gold Prizes" has been added. Edit 9/11/19: It was dumb to have C/K/F endings subcat for "All Golds". That's not all the golds lmao.

If there's interest for it, I'll make some more changes to add easy and normal story as well.

  1. Since going for a Rin ending requires you to go through Stage 10, Close Encounter (which has 4 more levels), the leaderboard has been split between Rin and Catherine/Katherine/Freedom (C/K/F) endings.

Otherwise, since going for Rin is completely optional, the top times would just be a C/K/F ending. This way, runners who are wanting to play through Close Encounter may do so, and those who don't want to may as well.

  1. Safety is not a category. It will not be a category. If you can't risk dying, it's not worth running. Run on Easy, wuss. (Just kidding, you're cool.)

Happy climbing.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Indiana, USA

Hey everyone, after Climb Cancel 2019, I'd like to introduce a new miscellaneous category; Invisi-Babel.

Q) Just what is Invisi-Babel? A) Thanks to Leza (@lezardm2 on Twitter), if you collapse Altar, Menhir, or Obelisk in a certain way, the game gets confused on where the player and tower is. The player is positioned in the extreme foreground but the stage is is in the background.

Technically speaking, it's not "invisible" because you can still see the stage, but it's still a challenge to complete.

Q) Okay, so what makes this different than playing the regular babel stage? A) You've got to take time to push out the stage; additionally some block mechanics have been changed. Namely... Cracked blocks no longer break. Stepping on a mystery block crashes the game. Stepping on a monster block crashes the game.

Q) Oh shit, this sounds sweet, how can I do this? A) I personally only know of the setup for Obelisk, but there is a setup for all three stages. I'm currently going through Leza's twitter to find their completed runs of the stages. Just check on these videos as I find them!

Until next time, happy climbing.

Rin_The_Pianist curtiram isso
Indiana, USA

Hey everyone, not much of a big update but...

C / K / F has been renamed to "Classic Endings" because I find "C / K / F" or "Catherine / Katherine / Freedom" way too unwieldy to say in normal conversation.

All categories involving Rin have been clarified because I know that someone eventually would have submitted a Bad Rin Ending and would have said something about it. Rin category rules changed from: "Player must play through Close Encounter." To: "Player must complete Close Encounter and receive the Good or True Rin ending." Just some extra clarification.

Additionally, if you PB in a Rin category and your Classic Endings time beats your current PB for that category, you may submit it (trimmed to the proper length) for the Classic Endings board. Reminder that timing for Classic Endings may be different from what you split on for a Rin Category.

Keep on climbing.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Indiana, USA

Hey all, small update since this can happen on accident...

In addition to the Classic Ending PB rules in the above post, if you get the Bad Rin Ending, you can submit it as a "Classic Ending" since the game technically ends at the same point.