Hi there, i'm writing here because i wanna return to this game. And with this idea in my mind, i got some questions for ya.
If i'm seeing Any% in the name of this category, this does it mean that i can use some lvl. max powerups during the run? There is nothing on the rules where says that i can't use those and i'm having some ideas to route this game.
I hope you can help me with this questions, please.
Edit: I've watched something on the rules that it's bugging me currently: "time begins on selection of dino screen before entering bookshelf forest and ends on lost of dino movement after defeating bonner" So, why we were stoping our timers after the screen fades out instead of this one which suggest to stop it on the character's win pose?
yeah, feel free to use the powerups if you want. i don't recall if anyone else has done so in their run.