Level Leaderboard
9 years ago
United States

I also think this would be a great idea! Being able to just do sections for runs would really help add some variety and might even bring more people to start running this game.

Ohio, USA

Someone is hungry for some more WRs

ROMaster2 curtiram isso

This doesn't make sense, there's randomness involved on the resources, everyone would need to use the same save file in order to be fair and that's quite complicated if not impossible.

Why don't you do a segmented run instead? It would be more interesting.

Hummeldon curtiram isso
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New Category!

Happy to announce that we finally made No Major Glitches category for BSI :)

It requires completing a few objectives and bans main fps-heavy glitches we do in Any% to maintain the same philosophy as No Major Skips category does in BS 1 & 2.

Go check it out here:

7 months ago
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