Game Start Passwords (US)
Game Start Passwords (US)
Atualizado 9 years ago por xDrHellx

As per completion of getting the passwords, here are sample passwords for every Boktai 1 title, their effects, and Zazie's flavor text. Credit to master_of_jak/Slain087, Darth Nemesis, LordHuffnPuff and originalcracker for the info, as well as RollEXE on the Bokura no Tayiou forums for organizing the titles.

The titles are arranged as such: Title: Requirements for title +Stat bonus +Item bonus

Otenko's Comments

Zazie's Comments


Base Stats: These are what you get in all playthroughs; Title or no 10 to all stats 2 Earthly Nut 2 Solar Nut

Pawn: Requires C Rank No stat bonus +Earthly Nut +Solar Nut

"The worst Rank, C... A pawn is a foot soldier... A small fry, in other words. Don't let it get you down!"

"Yer not a Pawn for nuthin'! Go get 'em!"

rPSTRdDc +/Rr>H7G 5#Mv8yCw N#lSKKcc

Knight: Requires B Rank +1 STRG +1 AGIL +Earthly Nut +Solar Nut

"Rank B, a knight. Average, I guess. You can definitely do better. I await your next challenge!"

"You shouldn't be satisfied stayin' as Knight!"

Dp6-gJZx s@L8DFn9 ?^jcmmnC wN#lm+pM

Rook: Requires A Rank +1 VITL +1 SPRT +Healer +Antidote

"Rank A! A rook is a castle. Good job, Solar Boy!! I know you can still do better. Why not go for a higher rank?"

"I can't believe you got the title o' Rook!"

DF74Lj@p +-_7yTsk 4+dlmnCw N#lmJ:Mc

King: Requires S Rank +1 to all +Elixer +Healer

"You've achieved Rank S. Great job, Solar Boy!! I can walk around as a proud man. Wait... I have no feet!"

"Don't disgrace the title of King, awright?!"

NM?sdMJz !LNND8+3 Zwm-^zmn CwN#lmJ:

Berserker: Must be seen 400+ times +2 STRG +Tasty Meat +Rotten Meat

"How many times have I told you not to be seen by the enemy! But your recklessness makes you a true crazy warrior!! Wha...what are you doing? Stop pulling my mouth!"

"Gotta use a bit more noggin before yer act!"

0C+c-j21 2p8qg0:Z 5#7lmnCw N#l+3+Mc

Bishop: Slay 500+ Undead +2 VITL +2 STRG +Antidote +Elixer

"You've really purified quite a few Undeads. I'm sure their souls are at peace now. Keep on saving the wandering spirits. Be careful not to drown in your own powers."

"There's no point just takin' out the little peons!"

tZ>>YG_ ?gLLDX+3 Zwm-^zmn CwNKQmJ:

Queen: Slay less than 100 Undead +2 SPRT +2 AGIL +Speed Nut +Tiptoe Nut

"Why are you hesitant to defeat the Undead? Wait a minute... Your very grace could be that which the Queen could not make her own..."

"This ain't no time to be goin' easy on the Undead."

NzWQnfdK F!K8^w#1 /8j48znC wN#lmJ:M

Running Boy: Enter the Punishment Room 8+ times +2 VITL +2 AGIL +Magic Potion +Magic Potion

"Return that which you have borrowed! How many times did I have to tell you this! What? You enjoy running? Maybe you have the hots for that girl..."

"You'd shock even Doomy!"

NTz:Qd=V +/+vzdl- Q6MbYyT! rB5lJ:Mc

Gladiator: Fight in 50+ Multiplayer battles, maintain a 70% win rate or higher +1 to all +Healer +Healer

"You have won more than 70% of all link battles. Strong, you are!! Only the victorious gladiators of Ancient Rome were the survivors. Be careful not to win too much and lose your friends!"

"You're Gladiator? Must've been a fluke, right?!"

XBmQd=2 :=3Hy##? 5#lb95zl KSlwq:Mc

Death: Continue 100+ times +2 VIT +Solar Nut +Rotten Nut

"Somewhat Undead-ish... Well, do not worry! Your strength to stand up after being knocked down every single time is a virtue!!"

"It's 'cos you've been usin' up those continues. Now look at yer!"

rF0MtRdD /_^g2bck YM+CNbmm nCwN#lmJ

Solar Merchant: Trade to another cart 50+ times +2 SPRT +2 STRG +Redshroom +Blueshroom

"That's a lot of items you have exchanged... Maybe you know how to do business."

"If yer reckon you're a Solar Merchant, at least change yer weapon!"

DrJKKd2D :=87ghgk 4-MlmnCw N#lS-=Mc

Dark Boy: Collect less than 100 Sol +2 STRG +2 AGIL +Power Nut +Bearnut

"You've done so much without the help of the Sun. You aren't... Sabata, are you?"

"Don't yer like the Sun or somethin'?"

h9bfvCgX +>@Hf3>- 9Sm^0smm nCw86jmJ

Solar Boy: Collect more than 600 Sol +2 VITL +2 SPRT +Solar Nut +Drop of Sun

"You have been showered by a lot of sunlight. You are indeed a Solar Boy!!"

"You can't be the real deal."

NSf#fj4L 1-^qMs7G 5#Mv8yCw N#lwJ:Mc

Gun Master: Collect all Solar Gun parts +1 to all +Healer +Magical Potion

"You have achieved all with the solar gun Gun Del Sol. The entire Boktai staff is very happy with how much you enjoyed the game. Thank you!!"

"Yer gonna have to give up yer title o' Gun Master!"

X5zw6j>h MY^qg/:Z 5#7lmnCw N#lwz+Mc

Trigger of Sol: Collect all Solar Gun parts and clear with an S Rank +1 to all +Healer +Magical Potion

"Never thought you would do this well! Let us now give you the highest title of the delegate of Sol the solar will--Trigger of Sol. May the Sun be with you!"

"So you're the Trigger of Sol? How embarrassing..."

Trigger of Sol Example Password: N0#:7j@B -F_q^::Z 5#7lmnCw N#lwM=Mc

Source / Original:

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