I uploaded a bunch of 30 kill challenge sticks runs and some got verified and sum were awaiting verification and now all runs are gone
5 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

@naders we were trying to get in contact with you about this, the site had been reset to 3 days ago so many runs were deleted and we can't personally put all your videos up for you because we don't have links. So please reupload them, we did not personally remove them/ not verify them.


Basically echoing what @KunoDemetries said, we didn't remove the runs. The site got rolled back to a few days ago and in the process we lost runs. We did not intend for this to happen. If you want your runs to be back on the boards please resubmit them to us and we'll handle it. We would certainly hate for legit runs to be removed for no good reason.

KunoDemetries e sNTx curtiu isso

so ahh where is the category now? I read some threads about the rules not being set up from the get go or to put it simply, some controversy. Assuming it's already sorted but, just ensure a very in-depth list of rules like no modifying what the bots can/can't use, health settings etc cannot be altered. Or alternatively, purely list the only things that can be changed

Nottinghamshire, England

The category has been removed for all COD games, as we felt we shouldn't keep track of the multiplayer side of the game


It’s there for black ops 1, I haven’t checked any other cods so this could just be an exception.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

they've been removed also now

XrayBlindfoldspeed curtiram isso

Plans on bringing it back? or we're just not going to worry about it? it seemed decently popular, but I can only speak for B01's version of it. Especially on the Nuketown category.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

not going to worry about it

XrayBlindfoldspeed curtiram isso
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