Can I use The MIRV? (Rocket Launcher)
4 years ago

I'm thinking about trying to record a run for 1P NG.

Be it after it unlocks during a normal NG, or during a NG+, could I use The MIRV (Rocket Launcher) for the run?

It is vanilla, isn't cheating, and didn't see anything about it in the rules...


In the only run I checked for 1P NG (haven't watched it completely), I didn't see him using The MIRV when he should...


Oh nvm, 2nd place used The MIRV a lot lol Only had checked the 1st place. But i still would like to know.

Edit: also, wtf, 2nd place from 1P NG literally used cheats (Super Ammo & Invencible) a bunch of times, but got verified somehow??

Yeah, I know its unlocked after day 30; Yeah, i know his run is very bad; But still, they're cheats.

If it isnt cheating, does it mean that ANYONE could use the in-game cheat list and it would be "legit"?

If it is, why does it still there? Just because theres a few runs? So does that mean that i could literally CHEAT just because theres a few runs? wtf

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
United States

yea you can use it but it sucks it is very slow and probly will miss a lot of them even if theres a lot of them you waste a primary as for the cheats i have no idea

Washington, USA

LOL. Okay yeah no cheats I'm deleting that run Damagak must've missed that

Jetther curtiram isso
Oregon, USA

Yeah, I may have done a medium at best job watching that one...

Jetther curtiram isso

Thanks for the replies, also no problem, its understandable.

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