Atualização: All Bikes + No Transition Time (Android)
Atualizado eHaxxL
por All-bikes mod APK made in an old patch of Bike Race. In this old patch there is no need to wait for the stars popping up after each level, saving considerable time. Note that there are some level packs missing, namely Desert 3, Arctic 3, Christmas and Thankgiving 2. This means the mod cannot be used for the Advanced and 100% category. Only available for Android.
Ultra Bike and other runs going forward…
Audio is a key part in a speedrun and all runs going forward will be checked for audio. If audio is not supplied then specified run will be treated with more suspicion than normal and may be downright rejected depending on the skill level and placement of said run,if you cannot provide audio properl
Runs recentes
Nível: Arctic 1
Nível: Desert 1