What's the best sensitivity?
1 year ago
United States

What's the best sensitivity to play on for the instant speed boost flick? I played on 3 sens and it was extremely difficult so I tried 1 and it seems easier but it's super slow to control mid run.

1dxzai, Zanum e 2 outros curtiu isso

i always play on 1.00-1.20. if you play on any sensitivity lower than 1.00, gaining speed will be slower, but if you play on any sensitivity higher than 1.00, gaining speed won't change so i keep the perfect sensitivity. but that's personal for each person and mobile devices (phones and tablets have different sensitivity), and i don't recommend you to set very high sensitivity

1dxzai, Zanum, e ItsDrnk curtiu isso
United States

Thanks I'll try out 1.20

Zanum curtiram isso

just set in 1.00 the dpi is better than the sen change the dpi to 850>>

Zanum curtiram isso

play the one you're most comfortable with. и не ебите мозги

Andrysha, 1dxzai e 5 outros curtiu isso
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DPI Abuse Is Now Getting Under Control

The speedrun.com leaderboards have been updated. We are now paying more attention to the screen setting (DPI) issue.

We have rejected many runs that abused this setting, making the competition in the main categories more equal and skill based. Some high DPI runs were left in the leaderboard as an e

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