Difficulty Categorys?
8 years ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

Hey Battle Stadium D.O.N Forum

Can we add a Difficulty Category for each Fighter?

I request it because off my "easy" runs that are unfair against some "normal" runs. So is it a good idea? What you all mind?!

United States

I personally think it would be nice if the leaderboards were sorted into more variables. Having it per character just makes it extremely cluttered.

You could have character type as a variable to the run and difficulty as a variable to the run.

If you didn't want to do that you could make the categories based off of difficulty and just a character variable.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

It's only 3 people who have submitted runs on normal as of now.

Now we got 9 Players(i wonder why there was such a huge influx of people since last week).

I simply did my first run on normal, because the 2 players before me, had normal difficulty in their run, and i didn't want to cheese a better time, simply by playing on Easy.

But now all new people play on Easy, so i will also play on Easy, i don't really mind it, though it makes the game a little more dull than it is already.

If there are no people wanting to run Hard/Very Hard, i don't see any reason to make extra difficulties.

Also im strongly against a character variable, which makes a lot of characters unviable, and it comes down to only 1 or 2 with the best combos to get a good time.


for me i start playing don on ps2 i unlocked all characters but now i start playing the gamecube one, And my challenge is get all characters runs

edited: today i make the all characters runs

Editado por o autor 8 years ago

I played this game on PS2 and unlocked all characters, when I saw that the game doesn't have many people, I started running the game for have a time in some characters, would be nice an All Characters category, and the difficult

ScorpionSRL curtiram isso
United States

Battle Stadium D.O.N Forum

Since everyone plays this game on Easy, I set the rules to choose easy only and difficulty categories have been taken away.

Thank You for your participation and suggestions.

Lower Saxony, Germany

It is not better to make Categorys like Super Smash Bros? It is really a game how good you are in other difficulties I think categories are the only way to make it fair

Easy is realy to "Easy" for a good run

Man it's my fault i started to Play my runs on easy and now everyone make it xDDD


Tbh Easy is the best category for get good times on each characters and All Characters, but would be good have more difficulties for compare times

EDIT: http://www.speedrun.com/Battle_Stadium_D.O.N/thread/tji1m

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
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