How to speedrun?
1 month ago

Hello, could someone add a guide for how to speedrun IL and full game (what's the route, strategies, glitches) ? I would be very thankful for that. It just makes newcomers more comfortable when starting to speedrun this amazing game.

Zanum curtiram isso
Uusimaa, Finland

just look current best runs and try to do same

Zanum e jackzfiml curtiu isso

That's inconsistent. What is if the best run does some kind of frame perfect trick in timing and you will not know what the timing is? It is mostly helpful to watch current best runs to figure out what to do, but only if you already know what to do and how to do it. Is there maybe a guide in the internet somewhere? I didn't find anything...

Zanum curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USA

There is no guide anywhere for this game. I suggest joining the discord.

Zanum curtiram isso

just try your best and learn from your past runs and mistakes, compare it to other runs etc.

why make a guide for a game that only requires a good contraption and semi-quick inputs sometimes

Zanum curtiram isso

Ok, I'll try. Thank you all for responding!

Zanum curtiram isso
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NEW ILs (Part 6)

The Road to El Porkado Level 8 has been added!

I forgot to add this level when adding the remainder of the ILs to the game.

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