Optimal Decks per Act as of October 28th, 2021
3 years ago

BEFORE we get into this post, check out this Google Sheets by Treyful who has compiled multiple different decks - some more up to date than this forum post. I'll make efforts to update this soon with the "best" decks, but it takes time :D (Written November 23rd, 2021)


Onto the rest of the post!

You'll notice pretty much EVERY build leans very heavily on +Move speed and sprint/stamina efficiency early on, bringing in use speed (act 1), weakpoint damage (act 2), and stamina (every act) later on. This is because of a technique called Stamina Hopping (or Stamhop/Stamhopping) in which you sprint for a short period of time, let go, and then jump within a short window. This uses less stamina and keeps you at a similar speed to sprinting, and its very important for the early game.

With all that out of the way, let's take a look at the builds. Keep in mind, the game is still relatively new and decks still get tweaked now and again, so check the date in the title of this forum post to check the relevancy of these listed decks.




Okay so some notes before this one. Unfortuantely at the moment, the "optimal" deck is kind of reliant RNG. Ideally, you'd use this deck with a Barrett sniper that has a chance of dropping on spawn. Using another sniper also works, but not quite as well. If you get no sniper... well that's pretty unfortunate.


There also was a discussion in the Discord about a shotgun build similar to this sniper one, but I don't have any details on that one. Perhaps it would be more consistent with RNG?

Anyhow, let's talk about character. In Acts 1-3 you'll basically want to be using Evangelo exclusively as a solo runner, but in Act 4 it comes down to 2 choices in my mind.


  • +20% accuracy after precision kills for 5 seconds
  • +10% damage all around
  • +10 Team Health

Walker is a good all-rounder for damage


  • +2.5% stacking damage after a Precision Kill until Jim takes dmg
  • +25% ADS Speed (Irrelevant)
  • +10% Team Weakspot Damage

Jim is my personal pick, especially for the sniper deck + Barrett.. Not only does he get 10% damage similar to Walker (yes it's weakspot, but that's all that really matters anyway) but he ALSO gets 2.5% damage which can stack so long as he doesn't take damage which is pretty solid.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness, Daeja e 2 outros curtiu isso

I wish i could read french lol

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso

"On your mark..." need to be first i think. Like that u have buff from the first level.


Yeah probably up there for sure. I also put Energy Drink near the bottom which i think should be nearer to the top now

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
United Kingdom

I have tried "On Your Mark..." as first perk on my first run of act 1, but it is a slower overall speed during the entire first few levels, making a loss of a few seconds. It was a 10 second gain when I switched over to "Run Like Hell" and "Fleet of foot". Its definitely one that should be gained quick, but not right off the bat. I decided to put it for the library in order to reach those windows almost instantly, but I might retry act 1 and change the card to "Reckless" due to the massive sprint efficiency it gives.

To be exact with the previous time save statement, with "On Your Mark..." followed by "Run Like Hell", they both give you a total of 30% movement speed, but only for the first 30 seconds of the run (half of the map roughly) and then dropping to 15%, versus running "Fleet of foot" and "Run Like Hell" which makes it 25% movement speed for the whole run. I felt that a 25% movement speed for the whole run should perform better, and after test it, it seems to be that way.

Edit: I have just ran another test in 1-1. 1:12 for "On Your Mark..." and 1:09 for "Fleet of foot". There's definitely some improvement with a constant speed. I got up to the ladder drop-down before "On Your Mark..." ran out, roughly 70% of the way to the end of 1-1.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
diggity e BULROK curtiu isso
United States

Back when this was made, you'd run 4x supply pouches because a bug caused them to continue stacking every new map, so you'd end up with 14+ grenade inventory.

Also you didn't need that many speed perks before the sprint nerfs. You'd need more grenade perks.

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