Notable skips, strategies, and tricks.
9 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey everyone, new to the forum and wanted to know if a general knowledge thread was alright. Just a hub for people to tell others how to save time on a run.

(New to speed running completely so if there is something else already like this online I apologize)

Poitou-Charentes, France

Well if you search any skip or glitches usefull for this speedrun check this playlist i made

Btw if you want to run it just see the WR before


Good call. I will start writing down some tricks and skips right here, hopefully others will help with that. I suggest anyone to use the same format as i, or anyone can suggest to me how should i change it. Once we collect a bunch, maybe it's better to combine it all in a proper guide.

[Name of the trick] Decription: [what does the trick do, where it can be used etc.] Execution: [explanation on how to do the trick, button presses and such things] [Video links, pictures etc.] Notes:

  • [situational notes]

Now, let's begin.

Takedown interruption

Description: an early found "feature" of AK allows us to skip silent takedowns and a lot of other slow animations with a couple of button presses. You can interrupt silent takedowns, ground takedown, team takedown on minigunners, destroying portable turrets, even some interrogations that batman does in the main story; basically almost all animations that use the same takedown button (mouse2 on PC).

Execution (for kb/m): most easy to do with the throwable gel. Get in the position where you see the takedown prompt, tap the quickgel button (or double tap the gadget button, 3 by default), a moment later press aim/takedown (mouse 2) and hold it for a bit. The aiming animation will interrupt the takedown.

Video examples:


  • You can use other gadgets for similar effect, the timing between the button presses can vary a bit. It works with freeze nade, with REC (although you must shoot it "backwards" so it doesn't hit the enemy), with Red Hood's stun grenade, with Harley's quick snare trap. There might be more.
  • Apparently some of the interruptions only work for keyboard&mouse. I still have no confirmation on which work and which don't. Well, you should make a switch anyway, because there is more cool things about PC controls (and some uncool).
Poitou-Charentes, France

Ok well let's go

Takedown interruption v2 (w/freeze grenade)

Description: This glitch do almost the same things than the first version. We can skip silent takedown, team takedown ect... BUT it can skip other features in the game ( save firefighter, grapnel, and more). It was easy to do but we only have freeze grenade only at the half-game.

Execution: You double tap to do quick freeze and time the second tap with the input (mouse 2 for takedown by exemple). Then hold the freeze grenade a little moment, then you will regain control.

Video exemple:


  • It is an alternative to interrupts the animation on PS4 or XBOX ONE
  • It can be done only by Batman and Azrael

Associated glitches :

  • Batmobile zip
  • Camera glitch w/firefighter
  • Cliping throught ground w/freeze grenade


Decription: The same trick that exists in Asylum and City returns and can actually be useful in run. We call it "storage" because it allows to make the game remember the "stance" that batman was in (sitting on a gargoyle, a railing, a wire, or just standing; in other games we also can store the corner cover position, but sadly not in Knight), and then "deploy" in the same position anywhere we want. In Knight (as in City) you need a REC gun to do this glitch (by the way, you can acquire it in GCPD immediately after getting there instead of waiting until you have to get it in the story).

Execution (for kb/m): get onto the gargoyle or onto a ledge. Equip REC, 4 by default. Press aim and shoot in quick succession, without waiting for the aim animation, and immediately press the quickbatarang button (it's on Q for me, so i press m2 + m1 + Q), which makes the game switch to batarangs When you need to deploy the storage, hold aim and switch back to REC: m2 (hold) + 4. Batman will sit in the stance that you "stored", continuing to aim with REC, but will lose the stance once you let go of the button.


  • This version of the trick is for keyboard and mouse. Gamepads could do the same thing in release version, but apparently it was patched. It was executed slightly different (it worked for kb/m too, back then): after shooting REC instead of doing quickthrow just switch to any gadget (though the gadgest wheel or by pressing a button).
  • While not useful by itself, this trick is a part of the "zip" trick; specifically the gargoyle storage. Other storages i mentioned only because they exist.

Gargoyle storage zip

Description: A "zip" is what we call that weird glitch that you can see in our runs (of all four main arkham games), when batman suddenly teleports to a different place on a map. It's not really a teleport, he just moves at a very high speed. While we have no scientific explanation for why zips exist, i can make a good and logical guess at it. In some situations, game applies a "smooth" mechanic to Batman's animations. For example, when Batman is in a corner cover and throws batarangs out of that position, his model could slightly move, by a few units, because the animation doesn't perfectly preserves him in previous position, or even if it does, animation can be interrupted by other batarang or other things (get into a corner and start spamming aim and you will see what i mean by it). So, to prevent Batman from moving too far game "slides" him back to the corner coordinates. I think it's not the edge of a corner, but a certain point inside of it, at equal distance from both walls, so Batman "slides" to the wall and along it until he is against that point at the closest distance. Similarly, when batman is on a gargoyle, the game makes sure he keeps sitting at a certain point on it. Now you can understand where the "storage" part comes in. By using gargoyle storage you can get in a gargoyle position, while not actually being attached to a gargoyle. Game still tries to apply its "smoothing" mechanic, but since it can't read the coordinates for a gargoyle, it sends you to "empty" coordinates: 0 by each axis. So from any point on a map you will "zip" to the same place, the "origin" point of a map, which is almost always outside of the actual game area, "out of bounds".

Execution (kb/m): Do the gargoyle storage as mentioned before, "deploy" it by holding aim and switching to REC. Now just shoot (m1) and hold your breath.

Akheon's video from the release version, showing the old way to do zip.


  • Some parts of the world are actually considered as separated maps from the main area and have different "origins platform", so the zip can throw you in a different place depending on which part of the world you are and which area you just came from. Framerate might also affect the zip like in previous games. I will show some specific places where zips are used in a run but i can't guarantee consistency for any of them.
Editado por o autor 7 years ago
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