List of Segmented/Notable Runs
3 days ago
Wexford, Ireland

This thread will serve to list segmented, or otherwise notable runs, that don't fit the regular leaderboard format.

Wexford, Ireland

Nooob%, well No Out Of Bounds as it is aptly known as in 1:13:18 By elite1608

I originally tried this in City, however I soon realised that virtually every skip relies on going out of bounds someway, soon after I tried it in this. The run is very reminiscent of the 2017/2018 route, or pre-Batclaw skip route, we still do Doctor skip, Bell skip, a variation of Botanical skip, and sadly we have to do the Elevator titan skip that we already do in NMS. While most of the strats used aren't terribly inconsistent, I was having a lot of trouble with the latter ones, and so decided to segment the whole thing for a more entertaining watch, thus, this run was born.

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Mousewheel Binds Allowed in All Categories

Per the result of a recent community vote, mousewheel binds are now allowed in all Asylum categories (specifically, they were previously not allowed No Major Skips and 100% Glitchless). The game and category rules have been updated.

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