All Cards (Good Ending) in 1h 36m 20s by
New PB/WR while practicing for Indiethon Fall Follies 2022. Most of the time save is just the addition of pausefloating to the normal All Cards route - I didn't grind this category back when pausefloating was first discovered because I was focused on Any%. Pausefloating doesn't really add anything to the All Cards portion of the run, since most of that movement is over flat ground anyway, but the pausefloating added to the front half of the run is still relevant. No commentary, as I wanted some practice where I was just focusing on the gameplay.
All Cards (Good Ending)

1h 36m 20s
Divisões de tempo
Fornecido por
# | Nome | Divisão | Finalizado em |
1 | Albumen Shore | 3m 06s 902ms | 3m 06s 902ms |
2 | Clear the Storm | 1m 54s 948ms | 5m 01s 850ms |
3 | Misteria Waizel | 3m 36s 011ms | 8m 37s 861ms |
4 | Bran Maligden Ouro | 3m 31s 360ms | 12m 09s 221ms |
5 | Gustine Papellum Ouro | 4m 24s 288ms | 16m 33s 509ms |
6 | Great Gwom | 3m 36s 038ms | 20m 09s 547ms |
7 | Geof Agricite Ouro | 4m 41s 862ms | 24m 51s 409ms |
8 | Iwasaki Antimon Ouro | 5m 16s 397ms | 30m 07s 806ms |
9 | Clonwei Yonstein Ouro | 5m 25s 404ms | 35m 33s 210ms |
10 | Enter Dustbound Village | 3m 41s 369ms | 39m 14s 579ms |
11 | Leave Dustbound Village | 10m 00s 296ms | 49m 14s 875ms |
12 | desertNPC Ouro | 5m 27s 692ms | 54m 42s 567ms |
13 | New Theeland | 11m 28s 914ms | 1h 06m 11s 481ms |
14 | Loquat Skelgum | 8m 13s 953ms | 1h 14m 25s 434ms |
15 | Orb Sector 4-16-5 Ouro | 3m 13s 375ms | 1h 17m 38s 809ms |
16 | Pastel Horizon Ouro | 5m 31s 908ms | 1h 23m 10s 717ms |
17 | Dustbound Village Revisit | 2m 03s 346ms | 1h 25m 14s 063ms |
18 | Nano Cleaner Zera | 11m 06s 707ms | 1h 36m 20s 770ms |
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