pacifist category?
1 year ago
Kansas, USA

did a paci run of lvl one and thought it was fun

Dylenoyer94 e Patatoes curtiu isso

Pacifist is absolutly going to be a thing when the game come out, I tried every level in the release and had a lot of fun, until the release we might add it as a category if people wanna run it but we have to decide for the rules. Level one is all fun and games but try Level two for exemple and it becomes a world of pain in the steam version lol :) But not impossible My point being some level are so hard that the category should probably be about finishing the level with the lowest kill count so we would need a leaderboard with both time and kill count ( which I don't know how to do yet ) Who's excited for pacifist%?

Diegolas, hextape, e Dylenoyer94 curtiu isso
Washington, USA

I do like the idea of a pacifist category, as we had this conversation about making this category in the other version there were two things preventing us from doing so ultimately, one was the difficulty factor, some levels are easier to do while others were very challenging, we may not kill any enemies during the level but there's multiple levels where the enemies can kill one another so with those levels not only is there a difficulty factor but there's also a luck factor at play.

And two, the other thing was if we cannot perform a pacifist run on any particular level then we'd have to find a way to work out how to input two separate variables with submissions, one for kill count and the other for the time, I've tried to do this change myself but it's tricky and I still don't really get how it works, and while working on making that change the leaderboards don't show up at all and if not done correctly they also don't show up, so you can see why it hasn't happened as of yet.

Again I am excited for this category to become a thing eventually, I'd love to hear from other runners to see if others are also excited, I would also like to keep an open mind for any other category ideas that anybody may have!

Patatoes e hextape curtiu isso

I've been brainstorming the options for a "number of kill" related leaderboard and here's the best I got : Using the hours part of your time to mark the number of kill, exemple : One run with 2 kills and a time of 1:25.56 would be " 2h 1m 25s 560ms" One other run with 3 kills and a time of 23.20 would be "3h 0m 23s 200ms"

And even tho the 2nd run is faster, it would still be lower than the 1st in the leaderboard, which is exactly how we need it to work. Any thoughts on that? I feel like it's perfect, i can also add a variable to mark the number of kill just to make it look better

I'll just add pacifist% as the 5th individual level category if you guys like the idea

Diegolas e Dylenoyer94 curtiu isso
Washington, USA

I like the way that idea works for the category, I've been trying to think on how to make it work as well with no luck, though this way you're talking about is just a workaround for the idea, a clever workaround I'd like to add, I would like to have the leaderboards easy to read for all levels of runners and this would be slightly confusing to some I'd assume but I'm on board for this category idea either way, you've already thought about what I was going to bring up about how to incorporate it with as few hiccups as possible and this method would do just that, I think it's safe to say if you wanted to add this category it would be happily accepted into the mix and if there's any issues with it we can always take it down if it doesn't work as planned. To illiterate I believe this is a fantastic idea and the things that I'd be worried about shouldn't be an issue so I'm all for it!!

Patatoes curtiram isso

There we go, we now have a Pacifist category for IL under misc. !! Go try the category out!