Getting the infinite dash glitch
Getting the infinite dash glitch
Atualizado 6 years ago por BootlegPickle

Hello friends, here is a brief video on how to get the infinite dash glitch in this game.

To describe it in words and detail some of the specificities of the glitch, I will now attempt to provide a description of the glitch.

Requirements: Pegasus Boots Any dungeon entrance with a "slow" tile in front of it. (Explained in text)

A brief history lesson: The glitch was first found in Skull Woods and was called the "Infinite Dash Glitch" as Link ran at dash speed constantly. Since then it has been called Infinite Super Dash Glitch as Link could run even faster using a different setup and then ultimately Infinite Ultra Dash Glitch through some more trickery. Though, those names are just used by me and Acmlm just calls it superspeed. Finding, reproducing and enhancing the glitch was a collaborative effort between crazyjesse (myself), Gelsamel, and Acmlm. Each person found "normal, super and ultra" respectively. Thanks, friends.

Now, how to do the glitch: Once you have completed the first dungeon of the game you will be able to collect the Pegasus Boots from Sahashrala, these boots allow for the infinite dash glitch. Go to any dungeon that has a tile that slows Link in front of it and dash into the dungeon from this tile. Upon entering the dungeon cancel the dash (or bonk), save and reset the game (either hard or soft). Upon restarting and loading the game, exiting the dungeon Link will be moving at 4 times his regular movement speed. The next part is quite specific. To increase or decrease Link's speed by a factor of 2, find a set of at least two "slow tiles" such as a ladder or stairs. If Link begins by moving from a slow tile to a second slow tile, then moves sideways into a wall and then off the slow tile onto a normal tile, his speed value will double. If Link begins on a slow tile, moves sideways then onto another slow tile, his speed will half. It is not recommended that the player double the speed more than once as Link will no longer be able to move single tiles which can prevent screen transitions. Halving down to dash speed (2x) will cause the player to lose the glitch, secondly dashing manually will reset the glitch, thirdly, having a stone in Link's hands next to a screen transition and trying to throw it will force Link to dash, losing the glitch.

How it works:

The reason that the glitch works comes down to how the game stores speed values, and more generally, how it handles the dungeon and overworld. Link has two variables for his speed, one for in dungeon and a second for on overworld. Link's base speed is 2, when he dashes it is set to 4 and when he encounters a slow tile it is reduced to 1. The game has various ways of keeping track of these data and how to handle them. For instance, if Link begins by dashing outside a dungeon his speed is set to 4 and the game also notes he is in a dashing state. When he enters the dungeon the game knows that it should be in a dashing state and forces the Link inside the dungeon to dash. The thing is though that the game has not modified Link's outside speed, it is still at speed 4 even if his inside speed is back down to 2. It handles this by setting a flag to reduce Link's speed back down when he exits. Saving and quitting removes this flag but stores Link's speed. When Link exits, he is moving at dash speed, but only at dash speed. To get the extra speed boost relies on a second flag from slopes. Slopes halve Link's speed from 2 to 1. However when Link initiates a dash it wants his speed to be 4. Rather than setting the value to 4, it sets it to 8 which is then halved to 4. When Link enters the dungeon and saves his speed is instead at 8. This is the "super" dash glitch. The third part, why moving sideways off of slow tiles doubles your speed, is still an open question though it is likely another conditional flag that doesn't know how to handle Link's speed.

I hope this guide has been helpful. Have a nice life.

Cheers, crazyjesse

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