Rules question
3 years ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

It depends on which category, if it requires time trial then no, but everything else does. Do you mind telling me which category you wanna run for so i can help you better ?

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Centre, France

MainWorld Any%, since everyone else does it, there should be a rule for it no ?

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

"It is suggested that runs SHOULD PREFERABLY show some sort of on-screen layout for your button presses and/or a camera showing your keyboard layout. In some cases, we can judge based on solely the gameplay whether or not a run is legit but in order to eliminate any chance of suspicion, we suggest adding one of the options above.

All runs must start on the first time you "Press Space to begin" and must end on the last beat of the final song you play.

"Strict" timing is required for all runs.

A wiped saved file will be required as to keep all runs equal.

Complete worlds 1-6.

Order does not matter, as long as you have the completion lantern (blue) on each required world.

You may skip any of the numbered tutorial levels but you must pass the "-X" level for each world."

Centre, France

Yep so "A wiped saved file will be required as to keep all runs equal." is clear enough ... ?

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Main world any% does require a wiped save file since you have to unlock the levels. Hope it helped ! You can always contact me on discord for more infos if you need : Hora Shizuka#0339

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New Categories: Main Worlds Any Speed and 100% Any Speed

Hey everyone! After a unanimous vote in our discord server, I have added the new categories "Main Worlds Any Speed" and "100% Any Speed". More any speed categories have been requested for a long time, so it was natural to have these new categories added.

I archi

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