First sub 2 hour 310 kills run, nice. This run clearly shows the biggest issue with the change from killing 306 muds versus killing 310 muds: the Zulag 12 shaman. This shaman alone took me over 14 minutes, while it's possible in under 5 if you don't make a single mistake. That shaman is simply incredibly hard to kill, even for someone as experienced with these tricks as myself. Losing a run to specifically this shaman is a very real scenario, and the fact that you arrive at this level at around 1 hour and 40 minutes into the run makes this quite unfortunate.
I restarted the game 3 times during the run to make sure the game doesn't crash. That does unfortunately mean that I couldn't record the Game Time.
Verification note: (UltraStars3000)
Due to auto-splitter's In-Game Time not being displayed, the submission IGT's will the be the same as RTA : 1:59:16.550

Formatting has been updated for better readability. Most of the changes are affecting Console only
- (Updated)
- Except for Mines, all runs must show