Welcome and Story Mode Routing
4 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan

Welcome to the Abala Burn leaderboards!

This is a very underplayed fighting game, although it features a standard fighting game mode, it has a story mode that is strikingly similar to Mega Man Legends. This mode involves finding a key and progressing through certain 3D platforming and jumps to reach the end of the stage which usually has a traditional fight.

The main reason I am making this thread is in hopes that anyone who wants to route, or has information please share. I have small notes, but as it currently stands it may be a long while before a story mode run can be preformed as a 'speedrun' at my current pace. I welcome anyone interested to take the challenge and will humbly cheer you on and share any information I currently know.

Thanks and I hope to see more runs in the coming years!

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Postado 4 years ago
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